Global water use has increased by a factor of six over the past century and continues to increase steadily at about 1% a year, as a result of an expanding population, economic development and ever-changing consumption patterns, according to United Nations Water. The equitable provision of water and sanitation has, however, not developed apace with this growth.
In South Africa, government’s failure to deliver water to communities has been highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic, showing the blatant disparities within South Africa’s water and sanitation sectors, with many arguing that the prevailing water shortages have mostly been caused by politics and bad decisions.
Creamer Media’s Water 2021 report focuses on South Africa’s water sector in the context of water regulation, planning and management; water supply and sanitation; water quality; water and sanitation infrastructure; as well as funding.
The report also provides an overview of the state of global water affairs.
This report is a summary of information published in Engineering News and Mining Weekly, as well as of information available in the public domain over the past 12 months. The report does not purport to provide analysis of market trends.
Published on: 24 August 2021.